The International Construction Honor Society
University of Florida
Epsilon Chapter
Founded June 1, 1952
Sigma Lambda Chi Epsilon Chapter at the Universtiy of Florida
has the fundamental purpose of recognizing distinguished
students in the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Managment
for their oustanding scholastic achievement. Upon completion
of their first semseter, students ranked in the top 20% of their class
are invited to participate in the membership process.
To gain full membership into SLX students must continually show
their leadership abilities, commitment and service to the community,
participation in extracurricular activities, and a keen interest
in the construction industry.
SLX Epsilon Chapter serves the University of Florida and its students
through three main objectives based on the history and traditions
upon which SLX was founded. These objectives include
the rendering of service to the Rinker School; the development
of good relations among academia, the construction industry,
and the public; and the recognition of outstanding
professionals in construction and allied fields.